Chemistry Outreach Guidelines

Chemistry Outreach Activities

Here are some clues on how to get started: (Please note your theme and dates for October (or December) activity)

1)   work in pairs.
2)   Find an activity that is related to chemistry and toys (or food chemistry)…you can check this website for some examples. ( )
3)   If…and if only, you cannot find any activity related to art, then find one that you can do easily while explaining the chemistry behind it. 
4)   I am looking for original activity, but if you do chose to use something that is already out there, then see if you can modify it.  If it is too good to modify, then just do it as it is.
5)   The activity should be short and doable in under 5mins.  Kids don’t have a much attention span.
6)   There should be no heat, fire, explosives or toxic materials involved.
7)   All materials should be available either at a grocery store or office store.  If you need a particular chemical or equipment, then ask me…I may have some for you.
8)   I will need a one page typed up activity from you by 17th October (or 28th November).  I want to go through your experiment to make sure it will work and see how much materials to buy.  I  will also make a 1-2 page handout for the parents in case they want to do the activity at home.
9)   The activity should be ready by Tuesday  the 21st October (or 2nd December).  You will have the lab time on 21st to go over your experiment.  This is a good thing to do before you go out to do it for real :-)

Above all – have fun! This is not the time to be serious!!!


Getting ready for your event:

1)      You will need small amounts of materials to practice, but you don’t have to buy anything for Friday.  That is bulk material and I will get it for you.

2)      Unless I say otherwise, you will pick up your materials from me by Friday morning to do the outreach during the evening.  I cannot possibly carry ALL the materials.


Writing the report: 

First page should be your experiment with title, materials needed and the procedure for the experiment.  This portion should include both partners names on it.  Give any references.  Copy the URL in case you have taken an activity from the web.

2)   Second (and third if you wish), will be on your individual reflection of your time.  Think about questions like: did you enjoy working with kids? Were you able to keep  their interest? Would you change the activity in any way to make it better or enjoyable? Would you do such kind of outreach program again? Etc….. this portion has to be done individually and not in pairs.