CHML 301-101 - Fall 2008 Organic Chemistry I (4 cr.)
Section 101: Monday: 1:00-3:50 pm Room 134, Gregory Hall Section 102: Tuesday: 9:30 - 12:20 pm Room 134, Gregory Hall Section 103: Tuesday: 2:00 - 4:50 pm Room 134, Gregory Hall
Instructor: Dr. Sapna Gupta Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Telephone: 540-665-4591
Office: Gregory 214 Office hours: MW 10:00 -11:00 am, F 11:00-12:00 pm (or by appointment)
Text "Microscale Organic Laboratory: With Multistep and Multiscale Synthesis" by Dana W Mayo, Ronald M Pike and Peter K Trumper, 4th Ed.
Course Objectives | Course Policies | Course Assessment | Classroom Conduct | Topics to be Covered
Course Description A comprehensive introduction to the modern theories of organic structure and reactivity. Three hour lecture plus three-hour laboratory per week. Course Objectives On completion of this course the student should:
- Practice and describe lab safety procedures, analyze the reasons behind the procedures, and apply them through their behavior during the laboratory experience.
- Develop and practice crystallization and melting point determination.
- Perform a distillation, extraction, vacuum filtration.
- Describe and perform chromatography.
- Perform qualitative analysis of functional groups.
- Perform and interpret simple IR spectra.
- Write/document data.
- Learn to write a scientific lab report.
Prerequisite CHEM 122 or permission of instructor.
Multimedia in Organic Chemistry I will be providing you links in the online course website Blackboard, so you can take quizzes and do prep work for the lab.
Course Policies (top)
Attendance Policy
- It is the policy of the College of Arts and Science, that if a student misses more than 20 percent of the contact hours in a course, for any reason, the student will have to withdraw from the course before the withdrawal deadline or receive an “F” as a final grade. The instructor may modify this policy according to the nature of the course.
- It is highly advisable that you withdraw from the course if you miss more than 2 labs consecutively. You will get an “F” in the course if you miss 4 labs in a semester. (21st November is last day to withdraw)
- It is better if you inform me, via email or phone, if you know you will be missing a lab.
In Addition
- You are encouraged to attend all labs - simply because no credit will be given for the lab that is missed or report not turned in - i.e. no makeup labs will be given.
- Each lab is linked with the other in terms of techniques in an organic lab. You might lag behind in techniques if you miss any lab.
- One experiment may require two lab days. Hence if you miss the first part of the experiment consider the whole lab as missed.
Excused Absence You have one excused absence from the lab. I will drop one lowest score of your labs during grading. I suggest you don't use this at all, because the lowest grade will be added as extra credit. (This excuse cannot be used for community service part of the lab.)
Late Submission Of Course Materials Lab reports will be due by the next lab session, unless indicated by the instructor. A zero will be given for any lab report not submitted. 50% of the points will be deducted if the lab report is late by one day and no lab report will be accepted after one day. Any excused lateness will be have points deducted according to the nature of the excuse. Honor Code All issues addressed in the Student Handbook regarding Honor Code will be enforced. You are urged to read that section. The Student handbook is available online. Disability Policy If you need course adaptation or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building needs to be evacuated, please contact me and Debby Wine in the Academic Support Center (Howe, 105), as soon as possible.
Course Assessment (top)
60% Lab notebook Each student should have a lab notebook which should have hardcover on the outside and ruled/lined paper inside. Each page of the notebook should be numbered. It is practical to write on the right side of the notebook. You have the option of purchasing a professional lab book from the instructor. Few guidelines 1) number all pages 2) leave a few pages in the front for table of contents 3) write only on the right hand side of the page 4) always write in third person past tense (e.g. The melting point was found to be.... rather than " I took the melting point and .....) 5) if you make a mistake just draw a line through it rather than painting it black. 6) lab notebooks should be brought to each lab and written as the lab proceeds rather than writing the procedure at home. Your lab notebook will be graded on the following points: 1) completion of lab experiment data i.e. the title, materials, procedure, calculations, conclusion etc. 2) mention of all the points during the lab procedure (including any changes you might have made) 3) after the third experiment points will be taken off for grammar. 4) make sure the spelling of technical words and compounds are correct 10% Lab Technique, Product And Class Participation Lab Technique: You are required to have presence of mind while working in the lab. You will be graded on how well you receive instructions, cleanliness of bench space, presence of mind, tidiness of lab reports, tidiness in turning in samples (if required), general tidiness and common sense etc. Product: In cases where you will submit the product the grading will be done on the basis of the following points: 1) dryness of the product 2) color of the product 3) cleanliness of the product 4) how clean the sample container is 5) data on the product (melting/boiling point, percent yield etc.) Class participation: class participation points will be deducted if you are late in coming to the lab, late in submitting lab notebook, absent in the lab without an excuse, keeping an untidy workspace, working without respect for each other or the lab..etc. 10% Quizzes Quizzes will be given online and have to be completed at least one hour before the lab starts. Quizzes will be based on the lab you are about to perform that day. 20% Final Exam There will be final exam for the lab. It will be over the techniques and experimental methods learned during the semester.
Absence of three Unexcused labs sessions will lead to an F in the course. There will be absolutely no makeup labs.
A |
90 and above |
B |
80-89 |
C |
70-79 |
D |
60-69 |
F |
59 and below |
Classroom Rules Of Conduct (top)
Safety is first and foremost in the lab. You will be shown all the safety features of the lab and you will abide by all the rules while you are present in the lab. The following have to be followed at all times:
1. You must always wear goggles in the lab. You may purchase these at a local hardware store. 2. Absolutely no eating, drinking or smoking in the lab. 3. You should consider taking the lab another time if you are pregnant. 4. No shorts or short skirts in the lab. Always wear long pants. No bare midriffs or even a hint of it from front or behind. 5. Tie long hair. 6. Always wear shoes in the lab. 7. Turn off cell phones. 8. Maintain a tidy workspace 9. PUNCTUALITY IS A MUST. All lab instructions are given during the first few minutes of class, hence if you miss those you will either not know what to do or you will disturb your colleagues. The door of the laboratory will be closed after the first five minutes of the lab session. 10. Everyone is expected to be cautious and take their work seriously in the lab. 11. There should be no pranks or running around in the lab. 12. It is always better to look around and move, you may be safe yourself but you might hurt your neighbor. 13. Always call the instructor to your bench, do not carry around samples around if possible. You will not be allowed to do the lab if any of the above are not followed. Excused Absence: You can be excused from the lab only if a valid excuse can be presented. The validity of the excuse is totally up to the instructor’s discretion.
Topics to be Covered (top)
There will some (2-3 hr) community outreach required during the semester.
Exp. |
Page |
Experiment Title |
Safety Procedures and Lab Notebook |
handout |
Calibration of hot plates, taking data and melting point |
3A |
112 |
Simple distillation |
3B |
115 |
Fractional distillation |
11B |
204 |
Extraction of caffeine and sublimation/crystallization |
7 |
155 |
Extraction: The Cannizzaro reaction |
handout |
Thin-layer and column chromatography |
handout |
Dehydration of Cyclohexanol |
Chemistry Outreach |
Important Dates
1st Sept., 13th Oct. 2nd Sept. 26th Nov 1st Dec |
Dates for no lab (Labor day and Fall break) Last day for add-drop (Tuesday) Last day to withdraw (Wednesday) Final Exam and Check Out |
Have a safe and good lab experience